examples of lifestyle business

Personal Understanding

Congratulations! You have chosen the most beneficial option for how your business and your life will always be together happily. "That was a small text for me when choosing a business lifestyle, very different from the traditional startup I was starting in the entertainment and events industry after quitting my 9-5 career. The latter required me to be in a prominent position to reach and serve my clients.

No horrible Monday morning train going to work and looking at the face of a stranger sitting next to me dressed in a cold sunny morning, perhaps a subtle attempt to ease the pain of the dead. They have the same thoughts as me. "Friday you can't come fast enough". After that I started thinking about my mailbox and that Monday morning meeting I had not prepared. I have to fill my manager with the current status of the project before he enters another meeting with people more important than me to tell them what I just told him!

I remember having those thoughts and it just makes me nervous as I write this. I know you're getting swept away. I remember suffering from temporary amnesia when I came out of the house, holding the car keys and looking for them everywhere in the kitchen and in the living room. I had spent an hour thinking about how I would deal with the stress that was going to happen in the next five days of my life.

Main Road

As exciting as this new journey is coming you want to discover a few things in quick succession in your new ‘house’ to make this transition process as smooth as possible. That business idea looks good, did a lot of research, contacted a few souls especially clever than you. He also makes new friends. I hope none of them are still working where you just quit! I soon found out that this friendship only flourished over the years because of shared interests such as office politics that used to thrive especially on Friday night in a bar where we didn’t have to whisper the excessive love of senior management.

The fact is, you are in the highest stage of your life, and this friendship may not exist. Your mind needs to be nourished by new ideas and cared for with refreshing thoughts for living a fulfilling life. You have your savings account and you probably have a step-by-step business plan. There is something of value to share with the strategy of getting customers to line up to be ready to receive your 'something' warmly in this new world order.

But that is the easy part. I will be completely honest here; apart from the money I had saved when I quit, I just had no idea what I was going to do. I was risking everything. When I quit my day job some years ago, I was at a level where it was or I was losing my mind.

7 The Golden Rule


Like all new things, your mind is the first guy you want to explore. Let us know there is a new sheriff in town. If you were like me, you would spend the best part of the last 6 - 12 months buried deep in business books and unwinding yourself during your free time. At one point, you found the personal development features attractive. Eventually, he began to discover why such a life-style and lack of fulfillment were. For example, I had read books like Robert Kiyosaki's Richdad Poor Dad and listened to the same audio record in case anything went wrong in translation! I also read Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People among others.

This is a job you wouldn't want to let go of overflowing habits of 'going ahead and getting a bucket of time'. I had one like that and I didn’t need to encourage adding extra stock completely to autopilot. Mental nutrition is very important in this journey. You want to stay inspired by the good time because that is where the sowing takes place. This is not achievable as some of the ideas in this story may appear at this point; I’ve found that over time, it all starts to get into place as the journey progresses. So don't sweat it out with any ideas that aren't clear yet. Keeping the habit of reading goes all you need. These books are not really designed to read the cover cover. Think of them as a SAT NAV system for your car or as a personal version of your SIRI.

It is a well-known fact that our minds do not like to be disturbed. Whether that disturbance is good for us or not, it is very unacceptable without a crack. The mind has got it all. It is a well-trained machine with thoughts and habits that shape your life and work or sleep, doing 'normal household chores'.

A typical 9-5 standard mindset still exists at this point with deep cables in your system. It is better to start setting basic rules so that you and the MIND both are on the same page. This took a while and it certainly took me a better part of 2 years. Don't worry just know that there are changes you will need to apply consistently in this area. Oh, remember when I said who your new friends can’t be ahead of time before?

The End of Evil:

I made a mistake by trying to maintain a standard procedure like 9-5 when I started my trading journey. Great mistake. What often happens as
